The children’s literature book with indigenous theme: reception spotlight
literatura infantil, literatura com temática indígena, ilustração.Abstract
This article analyzes the children’s reception about the children’s literature book considering its text and drawings. It talks about the cutout of a qualitative research of the pedagogic intervention that happened at a public school in the north zone of Natal/RN, Brasil. The research drawing contemplated nine reading sessions of five children’s literature books with indigenous theme. It used participant’s observation, recording of the reading sessions on video and interviews semi-structured with the subjects, recorded in audios to build the data. From the analysis, it was found the protagonism of the reader in the reception to the literary text and the illustrations of the book. The study reaffirmed the importance of the children’s literature with indegenous theme in the classroom to the reader’s formation, learning the indigenous culture and history and to solidify the goals of the law nº 11.645, from march 10, 2008.
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