Scientific communication texts on quantum physics in the reading stories of new entrants to a teacher degree in physics
Public Science Communication, degree in physics, incoming studentsAbstract
We analyzed the presence of scientific dissemination related to quantum knowledge in the reading stories of newcomers to a physics teacher degree at a federal university. For this, a questionnaire was developed applied to students of one of the courses of the first phase of this undergraduate course. The questions asked were organized around three topics of interest to this study: 1) What is the relationship of students with written texts and reading in general? 2) What is the experience of these students with texts and readings of science communication before undergraduate course? 3) What texts and means of dissemination did the students use to learn about quantum physics before undergraduate course? The results point to the importance of scientific dissemination texts in the constitution of the reading history of these students and that most of them still do not follow science media.
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